Top 5 HR Policies of 2022

 Ok, this has been a hot question in recent months so let’s jump right in. Our workplaces continue to evolve as we see different variants and recruitment and retention become that much more challenging. Here is a countdown of our Top 5 Policies for 2022 that will position your company for success.

Number 5: Flexible Work Arrangements

Many employers were forced to send employees home during Covid. It worked for some and not others. This is a good time to assess what worked for you business and what didn’t. Its also a good time to determine who or what roles worked well remotely. This often depends on individual personalities, homelives and the nature of their roles. The key here is incorporating flexibility that works for both you and the employee. A policy can ensure people are being treated fairly even if their individual arrangements are different.

Number 4: Vaccination

Vaccination policies have been a topic of great debate lately and the most significant question is “Can I require my employees to be vaccinated?”. However, I also encourage you to ask “Should I require my employees to be vaccinated?” The answer will likely depend on your workplace culture, the nature of your business and your stance on vaccination. In the end, you want to ensure you have taken every possible step to ensure the physical and mental safety of your employees and customers. 

Number 3: Diversity and Inclusion

While a diverse workforce has always been important for many reasons, it has become all that much more important in a competitive labour force. Employers across all industries are struggling to find talent. There are many reasons for this including employees having higher expectations, some starting their own businesses during Covid and others simply experiencing anxiety around either returning to work or making a move right now. However, employers who are initiating targeted recruitment efforts in underrepresented demographics are experiencing great success. Part of this attraction is also a solid Diversity and Inclusion policy that is engrained in the culture of organization education and consistent application. This is not about hitting quotas, it is about changing the way we make business decisions and how we interact both internally and externally. 

Number 2: Respectful Workplace

Tensions have never been higher in the workplace. People have controversial opinions on various topics. Others simply have forgotten how to behave around other humans. Ensuring people are treated with dignity and respect will be key as we return to the office and begin building our teams and our culture.And drum roll please…our #1 policy for 2022 is… 

Number 1: Psychological Wellness

There is no arguing it…the last two years have been tough and mental health concerns have never been more prominent. Just like physical safety came to the forefront decades ago, mental health and how we manage it as employers will be key for 2022. Having a proactive policy along with formal training in Mental Health and Psychological First Aid will help improve employee wellness/safety, decrease absenteeism and improve productivity. With a tight labour market, this strategy may make or break your business in 2022! Well, those are our top 5 policies for 2022! What will you implement this year? Sarah Mullins is the founder and CEO of uptreeHR, an outsourced Human Resource department for small to medium sized businesses. Sarah and her team are based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. To book a complimentary 30-minute consult with Sarah, click here.


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